Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Some work happens easier for creating incomes.

With an easy effort,
you can have a big saving bank account for yourself in a very short time.
If you can do it from the comfort of your home in your spare time,
you feel how good the work is!
Data Posting Work

It’s extremely easy! You’ll never work under anyone’s supervision and need any extraordinary skills to realize your income month after month.

Earn Rs. 300 per valid data!

Suppose, if you post a minimum number of 5 valid data a day, you can make Rs. 45,000 (forty five thousand) a month easily.


It’s really easy; all you need to know is the basic Internet and computing knowledge of “copy and paste” text on specific websites. In less than a 5 minute time, you can post a data successfully with any computer having Internet connection.

How much time can you spend a day in this work?

The more you post our data, the more you create your income.

What are doing for yourself now for a bright future?

Are you planning to set up a business organization?
If so, you’ll have this headaches like hiring employees, investing thousands in inventory, renting space getting an appropriate bank account, purchasing insurance, getting a business license, and more ...................Or the other?
Are you on a work with muscles like a slave just for Rs. 30 to hardly Rs. 100 (US $1 to 3) a day? OK, think yourself how long you can do such a hard work. Your muscles will get pains soon in your middle age with a little amount remained in your saving account. Boring?In this situation, you feel life is hazardous. You say, “But, what is my alternative?”Welcome to this new worldwide job looking for individuals of extremely easy brain and work. It creates a revolutionary new way for ordinary people like you and me from all walks of life to earn extraordinary incomes! Young and old men, retired persons, unemployed, housewives, anybody can join this exciting new job. If you’re a student, you can work this in your spare time. If you’re an employee, you can do this for your second income.A complete turnkey job that fills your bank account with CASH while you’re busy enjoying life. The fact is, the Internet is creating new millionaires faster than any other vehicle in history. Once you start working you’ll finally have an opportunity to make an unbelievable income regularly. If ‘copy and paste’ isn’t a challenge, you’re qualified to make extra thousands from the very next month after you’ve joint. We take a very small fee for registration process and job materials. It’s a limited time offer. After some time, we may increase registration charge or stop recruiting new workers any more.

1. What is Data Posting Work?You will post data specially prepared for you. You will post them to the specific websites given by us. 2. Where is my workplace?You can do this work with your computer getting Internet connection. If you don’t have your own, you can go to cyber cafes, Information Centres (CICs), or to your neighbor’s or friends’.3. Do I need any experience for the job?Yes, better for persons with Internet knowledge. But recently we’ve made a system so that everyone can do the job without any knowledge of Internet. Also we can extend a full assistance for the job designed to be 100% foolproof no matter what level of skill you possess.4. How much do I’ve to work a day?It depends on you. The more you work, the more you earn.5. How much can I earn a month?Rs. 300 (US$ 25) per data/response. Usually, one can earn more than Rs. 45,000 (US$ 3,750) per month from this work.6. How can I start the work?You need to register your name at the National Income Generators Corporation (NIGC). After that, you will get job materials including a CD-ROM from us. You will know everything from them.7. How to increase my income?If you post more data, you earn more income. Some software will help you post more data in minimum time.8. What are the advantages of the job?Among many advantages, there are more ones which you will have:Power-packed web pages built for you to be a view tank of thousands of opportunity seekers around the world. Part/full time home job that has the encouraging point the more you work, the more you earn. No retirement. A lifelong job for unending incomes. Income benefits from both the real and the virtual world. An excellent opportunity to get double income at a time if you have a product or do a business of your own. The best opportunity for MLM enthusiasts also. A surefire way to build a massive MLM downline.Over fourteen thousand websites and 1, 00,000 email addresses each turning your works into CASH. Deep skills and other cost, data preparation and executing orders of ours. Only to post data is yours.

How To Get A Lifelong Income Even Without Any Work While Enjoying Your Daily Life?Once you start with us, it is done!
You’ve just seen overleaf that you can make Rs. 300 per valid data. You’ve also learned that it is so simple work that you can complete posting a data within 5 minutes. If you work for an hour everyday, you can earn Rs. 3600 or more a day. It really depends on your ability to work and your time you can spend. However, remember this. You may not be able to work for long due to your busy condition or your life style. Suppose, if your health condition is bad, you cannot take time for the work regularly everyday. After all, if you are out of easy access to Internet, you cannot make enough money. Hence, it can affect your financial condition. I want to be honest at this point, because I don’t want to waste your precious time and money after you join Data Posting Work. So, you need a unique plan that gives a streamline of income once you have done a job for you. We have a new plan that will ensure an unbelievable income without further work for anybody who joins Data Posting Work. Read on how you’ll realize an insane income for you!
With effect from February 1, 2008, we at NIGC bring a plan for all Data Posting Workers. Under this plan, our members will enjoy a lifelong income throughout their life even without any work.
See How the Plan Makes Money After Money Automatically For You?Just after you start working with the DPW Package, you’ll have several members under your ID automatically. Once you have 3 members under you, you are qualified to get a lifelong income without further work. Even if you have a single person under you, you’ll make money for one year.
When you have 3 members, you get Rs. 900 as commission. Then, you will get your incomes depending on the numbers of new members available in your group in future. You can have as many people as you can to get maximum benefits. See the table.How Much Can You Earn From This Plan?Remember, once you have 3 members you can retire from the work, if you wish. You have nothing to do then. Now your members under you start enrolling automatically. When the number of new members in your group is 9, your position is Silver and you get Rs. 50 from every member i.e. Rs. 50X9=Rs. 450/-. You get a DD of Rs. 450/- in your name from us.
Likewise, when the number of new members in your group is 27, you are promoted to Gold position and you get Rs. 40 from every member i.e. Rs. 40X27=Rs. 1080/-. In the same way, your amount of income is the number of new members in your group multiplied by Rs. 30 at Diamond, Rs. 20 at Moon, Rs. 10 at March, Rs. 5 at Venus, Rs. 3 at Jupiter, and Rs. 2 at Sun position.
Think now. You joined Data Posting Work just with a small investment. When you are at Sun position, you get a DD of Rs. 39,366/- while enjoying your life with your family members. See What Happens Then!Every person who attains once the position of Sun will enjoy a lifetime Bonus income equally Rs. 2/- multiplied by the number of new members throughout their life in the formula: Rs. 2 X New Members/No of qualifiers of Sun position
See, as Lifetime Bonus income just after Sun, you get a DD of Rs. 1,18,098/-. Now, you have earned Rs. 2,05,092 so far. Your income is always increasing.

Rate of Income (Rs.)
Members Enrolled
Income (Rs.)
You join the Plan and get the Data Posting Package.
Just after you join, you should enroll at least 3 members to get incomes for life without further work. You get Rs. 900 as commission.
(+Rs. 300 if you become a Dealer within 45 days)
You stop working. Once you enroll 3 members under you, they start enrolling 3 members each under them. You get Rs. 50x9=Rs. 450
Your 9 members enroll 3 new members each. You get Rs. 40 per member.
Your 27 members enroll 3 new members each. You get Rs. 30 per member.
Your 81 members enroll 3 new members each. You get Rs. 20 per member.
Your 243 members enroll 3 new members each. You get Rs. 10 per member.
Your 729 members enroll 3 new members each. You get Rs. 5 per member.
Your 2187 members enroll 3 new members each. You get Rs. 3 per member.
Your 6561 members enroll 3 new members each. You get Rs. 2 per member.
6561x3= 19683
Lifetime Income
Your income depends on the number of new joinings. You get Rs. 2 per member equally throughout your life.
Rs. 2 x No. of new joining/No. of Lifetime Bonus qualifiers
NB: 1. Amount of your income is calculated by the number of new persons available. 2. Amount of income shown is calculated when there is 100% growth of the Plan.
1. There is always promotion. No de-promotion.
2. Your personal target is having 3 members under you. Even if you have a single working member, you’ll enjoy a feasible income. But if you have members as many as you can, you’ll get maximum benefits.
3. Getting 3 or more persons for any group is a child’s play. When you use the stuffs of the DPW package, we guarantee you will have several people quickly. No need to worry.
4. There is no time limit for the work.
5. Even if don’t have a single person under you, you’ll get BONUS INCOME. If you have been promoted a Dealer, you’ll enjoy LIFELONG INDIRECT INCOME even without work.
6. If anyone under you completes Dealership within one month, your only Indirect Income is Rs. 86,994 in the 9th month. See the above chart.
7. Payout is made every 15 days. Check your progress report and income at the website.

Income received from your downlines refferals. For example, you are ‘A’. ‘A’ creates some downlines ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’ etc. Downlines created by ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’ are called Indirect Downlines. These new Indirect Downlines create their own downlines .... and so on unlimitedly. When any of your direct and indirect downlines works at any time, you’ll get Indirect Income. The amount of indirect income is calculated as (number of new downlines in your network)x(position at the time) twice monthly. For example, total new downlines = 50, your position = Diamond, if so, your indirect income is Rs. 30x50=Rs. 1500/-. So, whenever anyone in your network creates downlines, you’ll enjoy Indirect Income from them.
Monthly added income for all those who join DPW Plan. We keep Rs. 100 aside from all new persons joined. For example, if 1000 persons join the Plan in a month, Rs. 1,00,000 will be divided to all our two month old members. So, all members will enjoy this Bonus Income without any work.

We keep 25% of the monthly total collection aside for those who can’t work and make money anyway. After 60 days of joining, we start entering their share amount in their account. When the amount is Rs. 600, we’ll pay out and arrange to make further income for them. So, a NEVER-LOSS PLAN.

In short, as soon as you join us, you receive the DPW package along with Resellers’ Mega Publishing CD-ROM and 20+ Movies DVD worth Rs. 3000 free with full Resale Rights Authorization. If you enroll one person under you, you get Rs. 8,41,431/- in 12 months if there is 100% growth of the plan and if you enroll 3 persons under you, you get a lifelong increasing income without any work. All this benefits will be yours forever after you join us with a low one time Registration Fee of Rs. 661/- ($65) only.
Is it clear that it is the best opportunity and you
lose nothing with us?
Join immediately. Today is the right time for a better chance to start making money. A day delayed is a day unearned. Go ahead of others and enjoy a prosperous life with us.

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